Snap XMP Online
Snap XMP Desktop inc. Scanning
Survey Products
Free Trial
Interactive Tutorials
Building your online survey
How to tutorials
Inserting Questions
Questionnaire Properties
How to tutorials
- Adding a linked image to an email invitation
- Seeding the login details via the URL for a tracked survey
- Deleting a survey in Snap XMP
- Removing an individual’s information held in Snap XMP
- Amending an individual’s information held in Snap XMP
- Making surveys anonymous
- Stopping a participant from accessing the survey
- Preventing further survey invitations
- Anonymisation in Surveys – Sending an email that includes a unique participant identifier
- Anonymisation in Surveys – Sending an email that doesn’t identify the participant
Invitations and Reminders
How to tutorials
Getting Started
API Reference
Interactive tutorials
Technical Information
How to tutorials
- Selecting the language in a multi-lingual questionnaire using the map control
- How to customise check boxes using style mode
- Using YouTube videos in a questionnaire
- Customizing the Slider Control templates
- Using clickable images as answer choices
- Translating your survey
- Laying out a grid question for an online survey
- How to display a currency sign beside a code box
- Adjusting a title logo to fit on a Smartphone edition
- Creating a personalised style template
Using the Questionnaire window
Notes and Questions
Customising questions
- Questionnaire topics: Customising questions
- Aligning text
- Changing the question background
- Adding borders to a question
- Changing the question boxes
- Inserting a Page Break, Column Break and Section Break
- Changing the column layout for a question
- Compound Grids
- Finding text in the questionnaire
- Changing the font
Questionnaire Properties
Slider Control
- Using a Slider Control
- Slider Control wizard
- Using a Slider Control template
- Adding points to a Slider Control
- Set the Slider Control bar image
- Add bar scale markers to the Slider Control
- Add bar slider to the Slider Control
- Set the scale properties in the Slider Control
- Set the code labels and response box in the Slider Control
- Slider Control summary
Map Control
- Using a Map Control
- Map Control Editor
- Importing a map control image
- Defining the clickable area
- Editing the clickable area
- Change the way an area looks in the Map Control
- Rotating a polygon shape
- Map Control Editor options
- Copying a format in the Map Control Editor
- Assigning a question code to an area
Question Styles
Inserting other information
Editions and Languages
How to tutorials
How to tutorials
- Setting up panel exit pages
- Adding Google Analytics to your survey
- Printing response data with the questionnaire
- Adding name and address details to a printed questionnaire
- Dynamically changing the website shown on submit
- Creating a custom login page
- Including an opt out link in an email invitation
- Anonymisation in Surveys – Sending an email that includes a unique participant identifier
- Anonymisation in Surveys – Sending an email that doesn’t identify the participant
- Seeding data from the survey URL to identify where the participant accessed the questionnaire
Database Links
- Database links
- Database link wizard
- Database link wizard: Snap survey selection
- Database link wizard: Import/export options
- Database link wizard: report
- Database link wizard: Advanced Settings
- Database link wizard: Select Database
- Database link wizard: Database import/export options
- Database link wizard: Variable mapping
- Database link wizard: Setting up email or logins for an online survey
- Creating database links to upload participants
- Creating a custom subject selection page for group questionnaires
- Setting up email alerts
- Setting up a database link for group questionnaires
- Running the participant data link
- Seeding the questionnaire with data for online surveys
- Setting up logins for online surveys
- Setting up email invites for online surveys
- Setting up a data file with participant data
- Publishing the online editions
How to tutorials
- Transferring data between a survey and a database
- Entering data from paper surveys
- Exporting data from Snap XMP Desktop to Excel
- Deleting a survey in Snap XMP
- Removing an individual’s information held in Snap XMP
- Amending an individual’s information held in Snap XMP
- Exporting an individual’s survey responses
- Anonymising data after carrying out your survey
How to tutorials
- Setting up filters for Snap XMP Online analysis
- Putting counts and percentages on a bar chart
- Working with rating scale questions
- Tailored reports and analyses in shared surveys
- Create a chart of positive responses to rating scale questions
- Change category colours in charts
- Summarise rating scale with Group Variables
- Analysing data with crosstabs
- Using word clouds to display your results
- Banding quantity variables for analysis
- Exporting analyses
- Using external filters and contexts
- Printing analyses (tables, charts, lists or maps)
- Creating a top line analysis of your survey
- Setting up default values for analysis
- Saving and retrieving analyses
- Using the Analysis Display Dialog
- Using the Analysis Definition Dialog
- Defining an analysis (table, chart, list, cloud or map)
- Analysing data
- Choosing what is displayed in a table
- Changing the position of text and the size of table cells
- Changing the highlighting and spacing of rows and columns
- Changing the lines between table rows and columns
- Using table styles
- Table appearance
- Statistical significance in tables (z-test)
- Creating a table using a scoring system
- Confidence intervals in tables
- Creating a satisfaction scale (or other ratings scale)
- Creating a simple chart
- Displaying counts and percentage figures on a bar chart
- Creating a combination chart to display respondent means as points and bars
- Using gap analysis to interpret importance with satisfaction
- Creating a Hi-Lo chart showing maximum and minimum values
- Using the Chart Wizard
- Using the Chart Designer
- Chart styles
- Chart elements
- Types of chart
Word clouds
- Word cloud appearance
- Adjusting words displayed for an individual cloud
- Finding the auto category variables used by an analysis
- Changing the default stop words
- Creating a word cloud from a cross-tabulation
- Creating a word cloud of values, dates or times
- Creating a word cloud of literal responses
- Overview of word clouds
- Creating a Map showing age group data using graphics
- Creating a Map showing ratings scale by area (based on a map graphic)
- Creating a Map for analysis using an existing style
- Overview of maps
- Map Control Editor for Analysis Maps
- Changing the shading
- Changing the legend location
- Changing the legend backdrop
- Changing the legend font
- Changing the legend labels
Analysing semantic scales
Analysing open ended questions
- Moving weights between surveys
- Weight reports
- Using weights to calculate the difference in rating
- Using a weight to convert responses into numerical values
- Increasing or decreasing the size of a sample group
- Counting items other than respondents
- Using weights
- Using RIM weighting to balance sample proportions
- Changing the proportions or balance of a sample group
Means and medians
- Showing mean values in a grid cross-tabulation
- Tables and charts showing means and differences
- Tables and charts showing means and significances
- Analyses of mean values
- Setting the options for Significance (t-test)
- Using Significance (t-test) in tables
- Setting the options for t-tests and U-tests
- Using U-tests in tables
- Using t-tests in tables
- Calculating median scores
Analysis Variables
Analysis Definition
How to tutorials
Laying out your reports
- Producing a cover page
- Changing the size of charts (and other image analyses) in your report
- Creating a banner footer (or header) with indented report text
- Setting the page margins of your reports
- Setting variable width columns in your report
- Changing the margin and column layout of your report
- Inserting a blank page in a report
- Adding a running header, footer or margin text in your report
- Custom columns widths
Adding content to your reports
- Adding benchmarks and recommendations to reports by overtyping cells
- Inserting dynamic data from a ranked table to put highest and lowest values in your report
- Cell Referencing
- Conditionally including content in your reports
- Controlling which aspects of an analysis appear in your reports
- Positioning a chart, map or cloud in your report
- Spell checking your reports
- Inserting text and graphics in your report
Using contexts in your reports
Adding Report Instructions
How to tutorials
- Planning your scanning survey
- Setting up the online survey framework for scanning
- Designing your scanning questionnaire
- Formatting your scanning questionnaire
- Checking the scanning design recommendations
- Publishing the scanning questionnaire
- Calibrating your scanning questionnaire
- Routing in scanning questionnaires
- Scanning and detection
- Scanning a questionnaire created outside Snap XMP
- Interviewer requirements
- Interviewer (Apple iOS) release notes
- Interviewer (Google Android) release notes
- Interviewer (Microsoft Windows) release notes
- Installing on devices running Apple iOS
- Installing on devices running Google Android
- Installing on devices running Microsoft Windows
- Software updates
- Setting up new Snap XMP Online accounts for interviewers
How to tutorials
- Setting up surveys for interviewing with the Interviewer app
- Enable mobile interviewing for a survey
- Sharing surveys with an interviewer
- Biometric authentication
- Auto-synchronizing surveys and response data
- Manually downloading the latest surveys
- Manually sending response data to the server
- Quotas and Screen Outs for mobile interviewing
- Interviewing participants
- Setting up a kiosk
Building better surveys
- Tabbed Surveys and Forms
- Building better surveys – Email Alerts
- Making surveys dynamic and engaging
- 3 ways to make your surveys more engaging
- Engaging Question Styles
- Questionnaire Design in Snap XMP Online
- Randomise in Snap XMP
- Questionnaire routing and validation in Snap XMP Online
- Routing and Analysis Expressions
- Snap XMP features update – February 2023
Collecting responses
Using multiple languages
Analysing responses
Smart Reporting
Connecting surveys
Group Questionnaires and 360 Surveys
- Introducing Snap XMP
- Getting started with Snap XMP Online (video)
- Creating the questionnaire in Snap XMP Online
- Creating the questionnaire in Snap XMP Desktop
- Question Carousel
- Survey Logic in Snap XMP Online
- Survey Logic in Snap XMP Desktop
- Working with folders
- Sharing resources
- Participants in Snap XMP Online
- One-day Conference Survey guide
- Employee Engagement and Enablement Survey guide
- Event Experience Survey guide
- Visitor Attraction Survey guide
- Employee Engagement Survey guide
- Tenant Satisfaction Measures Survey guide
- Customer Satisfaction Solution guide
- Workplace Survey guide
- Visitor Check-In Tool guide
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