Features list comparing Snap XMP products

This list of features compares those features available with the full Snap XMP suite of products, including Snap XMP Desktop, Snap XMP Online and Snap XMP Offline Interviewer to the feature when only using the online products Snap XMP Online and Snap XMP Offline Interviewer.

Create Dynamic, Engaging Surveys

Getting started

Product FeatureFull Snap XMP suiteSnap XMP Online only
Use the templates provided and automatically create editions for PC, tablet, smartphone and paperYesYes
Select from the wide choice of question styles – drop down, drag and drop, carousels, grids, single response, multiple response, quantity, text, time, date, free-text and semantic scalesYesYes
Access the question libraryYes
Adding additional languages to multi-language questionnairesYes
Use multi-language templatesYesYes
Use the Editor in Snap Online to both create surveys from scratch and make changes on the moveYesYes
Automatic synchronisation at all times between Snap Online and Snap DesktopYesN/A
Collaborate with colleagues by sharing both individual surveys and folders containing multiple surveysYesYes

Add Visual questions

Product FeatureFull Snap XMP suiteSnap XMP Online only
Answer sliders, including smiley sliders and quantity slidersYes
Drag and drop ranking and categorizing questionsYesYes
Clickable images such as star ratings, UK and US regional mapsYes
Carousel grid questionsYesYes
Add multimedia video or sound clipsYes
Use a calendar input for date responsesYesYes
Add a keypad for numeric and a keyboard for alphanumeric responsesYes
Add a digital clock for time responsesYesYes

Enhance the Response controls

Product FeatureFull Snap XMP suite Snap XMP Online only
Make questions optional or mandatoryYesYes
Specify a minimum or maximum number of answers for multi-choice style questionsYesYes
Specify character limit and character format for answers given to open ended questionsYesYes
Rank items according to order of preferenceYesYes
Calculate values and store totalsYesYes
Reorder code labels into alphabetical sequence YesYes
Create custom format patterns to customize editing of data inputYes
Use patterns to ensure data accuracy, e.g. for US ZIP codes and UK postcode, or for email addressesYesYes
Add exclusivity of answers for multiple response questionsYesYes
Auto answer questions if masking leaves only one answer choiceYesYes

Add Question routing / Skip patterns

Product FeatureFull Snap XMP suiteSnap XMP Online only
Skip to a subsequent question depending on answerYesYes
Skip to a subsequent question regardless of answerYesYes
Show routing instructions on the questionnaireYesYes
Conditionally show question/text fieldsYesYes

Randomize elements of the questionnaire

Product FeatureFull Snap XMP suite Snap XMP Online only
Randomly order answer codesYesYes
Randomly order questions in a grid, such as rating scale questionsYesYes

Mask individual Answers

Product FeatureFull Snap XMP suite Snap XMP Online only
Dynamically mask answer choices based on earlier replies givenYesYes
Permanently mask answer choices (e.g. for “Not Applicable” in rating grid)YesYes
Auto answer questions if masking leaves only one answer choiceYesYes

Text substitution / Piping

Product FeatureFull Snap XMP suiteSnap XMP Online only
Feed answers given to single response questionsYesYes
Feed answers given to multiple response questionsYesYes
Feed answers given to open style questionsYesYes
Feed answers into questions areas of a grid (rating/matrix/style)YesYes

Add your own Branding and Design

Product FeatureFull Snap XMP suiteSnap XMP Online only
Custom URLsYesYes
Custom HTML snippetsYes
Customise warning and error messagesYes
Use images in place of text for question and answer labelsYesYes
Background imagesYes
Variety of formatting options (e.g. Custom colours on buttons)Yes
Supports most image formats (e.g. JPEG, GIF, PNG, Bitmap)YesYes

Link to an External Database

Product FeatureFull Snap XMP suiteSnap XMP Online only
Pre-populate the survey with known information, such as address, name or demographic infoYesYes
Route questions based on information from a databaseYesYes
Automatically update your database with new or amended informationYes
SQL and MS Access databases supported in addition to Excel filesYes
Automatically display questionnaires in a participant’s preferred language (or give the option to choose a language)YesYes

Share your questionnaire content

Product FeatureFull Snap XMP suiteSnap XMP Online only
Drag and drop questions from other surveysYes
Build your own question libraries in any languageYes
Export/import question and answer text for easy translationYes
Clone existing surveysYesYes
Collaborate with colleagues to share both surveys and foldersYesYes

Advanced Features in Questionnaire Design

Product FeatureFull Snap XMP suite Snap XMP Online only
Survey format automatically optimised for desktop PC, browser, tablet and smartphoneYesYes
Drag-and-Drop facility to turn grid questions into a more interactive and engaging formatYesYes
Incorporate calculations into a surveyYesYes
Count the number of characters for open style questionsYes
Specify a web page to go to after submittingYesYes
Participants can attach their own files such as a CV, a photo or a signatureYesYes
Record audio responses to sections of a surveyYes
Send email alerts, triggered in the event of a specific reply or repliesYes
Add page countdown timers, perfect for quizzes and timed tests Yes
Create a WC3 accessible versionYesYes
Add placeholder textYes
Place questions side by side with either a compound grid or inline questionsYesYes

Distribute Questionnaires and Collect Data

Preparation of paper surveys

Product FeatureFull Snap XMP suite Snap XMP Online only
Print paper questionnaires in a range of layouts and sizes, including bookletYesYes
Preprint unique ID or reference numbers on individual questionnairesYes
Preprint address information to fit window envelopesYes

Schedule the Interview Process

Product FeatureFull Snap XMP suiteSnap XMP Online only
Automate interview start and finish datesYesYes
Schedule SMS or email invitations and remindersYesYes
Link to an external file of ParticipantsYesYes
Personalise invite and reminder text with fields from an external databaseYesYes
Send invite and reminder messages as plain text, HTML email or SMS textYesYes
Send with custom name to reflect your organization’s brandingYesYes
Include “Opt out” for invite and reminder messageYesYes
Allocate secure participant logins (permitting single or multiple survey completions)YesYes
Specify unique survey list for individual mobile devices or interviewersYesYes
Monitor the Audit log for details of all changesYesYes

Collect the replies – Online and offline

Product FeatureFull Snap XMP suite Snap XMP Online only
Collect responses from web based surveys as well as data captured for offline surveys on tablets and smartphonesYesYes
Save fully completed questionnaires as well as partial repliesYesYes
Ability to review partial dataYesYes
No limits on the amount of free-text collectedYesYes
View responses in either Snap Online or Snap DesktopYesYes
Ability to attach documents and photos to completed surveysYesYes
Encrypt survey data on mobile devices and during transmissionYesYes
Facility to record time, date for each interviewYesYes
Geolocation facility to record location coordinates for each interviewYes
Pre-populate questions with data from an external databaseYesYes
Send responses from a survey into another surveyYesYes

Collect the replies – Scanning of paper questionnaires

Product FeatureFull Snap XMP suite Snap XMP Online only
Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) for tick box questionsYes
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) for pre-printed character recognitionYes
Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR) for hand written responsesYes
Scans single and double sided paper surveysYes
Special paper is NOT requiredYes
Calibration and deskew capabilityYes
Automatic re-orientation of incorrectly scanned pagesYes
Works with network-attached as well as PC-attached scannersYes
Preprinting of data from database on paper surveys is supportedYes
Automatic recognition of multiple choice replies, numbers as well as written handprinted textYes
Automatic recognition of both altered and crossed-out repliesYes
Automated reporting of case status (i.e. scanned, detected or cleaned)Yes
Verify accuracy of data entryYes
View data entry statistics (e.g. accuracy, cases input per minute)Yes
View interview statistics (e.g. time, duration)Yes
Edit individual cases in Snap DesktopYes
Opt to spell-check free text responses Produce Scanned Image Report of scanned free-text repliesYes

Advanced features in Data Collection

Product FeatureFull Snap XMP suiteSnap XMP Online only
Generation of a QR code for each designed surveyYesYes
Set up Group Questionnaires, where participants repeatedly complete the same questionnaire, but with a different subject each time (e.g. Course and Instructor evaluations or 360 surveys)YesYes
Add quota controls and screenoutsYes

Powerful Analysis and Intelligent Reporting

Analysis as Survey reports

Product FeatureFull Snap XMP suite Snap XMP Online only
Questionnaire Report – a top-level summary of results that’s available for every surveyYesYes
Summary Report – view the results in more detail – available for every surveyYesYes
Summary Tables – view the results in tables, easily add a standard break – available for every surveyYesYes
Summary Dashboard Report – dashboard style view of the summary reportYesYes
Scanned Image Report – to present an exact image of all scanned free-text repliesYes
Smart Reports – create dynamic and repeatable Smart Reports, tailored specifically to the readerYes

Analysis as tables and charts

Product FeatureFull Snap XMP suiteSnap XMP Online only
Create frequency tablesYesYes
Create crosstab tablesYesYes
Include multiple breaks in crosstab analysesYesYes
Include/exclude missing values (e.g. ‘No Reply’) in percent calculationsYesYes
Multiple chart styles, including bar, pie, line and radar – all fully customisableYesYes
Word Clouds to summarize text responsesYesYes
Produce a printed list of text responsesYesYes
Filter results to find out how different groups answered specific questionsYesYes
Contextualised analysis to provide individual report to the unique perspective of the reader.YesYes
Reorder and simplify your data, e.g. combine ‘Good’ and ‘Very good’ responses in a rating scale in a single new category – ‘Positive’Yes
Add weighted responsesYes
Apply RIM weightingYes
Incorporate mean scoringYes
Overlay images with survey results, e.g. regional mapsYes
Analyse by date – specify date periods, e.g. week, month, quarter, year or by day, day of the week, day of the monthYesYes
Analyse by time – specify time periods, e.g. hour, minute, secondYesYes
Analyse by format – e.g. multi-mode and multi-language versionsYesYes
Show results in context – e.g. to compare satisfaction scores for one rated service against the combined results for all other rated servicesYes
Comparative and historical benchmarking in the form of tables and chartsYes

Analysis with Statistical testing

Product FeatureFull Snap XMP suite Snap XMP Online only
Mean, Mode, and MedianYesYes
Minimum, Maximum and RangeYesYes
Gap analysisYes
Standard Deviation, Variance and Standard ErrorYesYes
Average absolute deviation to standard statisticsYesYes
Sample standard deviation (N-1)YesYes
Sample varianceYesYes
Factor analysisYes
Cluster analysisYes
Z test / T test / U testYes
Skewness and KurtosisYesYes

Smart Reporting

Product FeatureFull Snap XMP suite Snap XMP Online only
Automate the production of large scale reports for readers at all levelsYesYes
Consistent branding, layout, and wordingYesYes
Provide logins for clients and colleagues to monitor survey results onlineYesYes
Output reports as PDFsYesYes
Use context to tailor reports or report batches for specific recipientsYesYes
Apply data filters to one-off Smart Reports and report batchesYesYes
Text and values from analyses inserted into report commentaryYes
Identification of high and low performing service areasYes
Recommendations for improvements and action plansYes
Benchmarks for comparison to internal, external or historical dataYes
Conditional inclusion of specific analyses, commentary or sectionsYes

Database links

Product FeatureFull Snap XMP suite Snap XMP Online only
Automatically import data from a database – including Excel spreadsheet, MS Access database, Triple-S, SPSS and SQL databasesYes
Automatically import data from a Snap surveyYes
Automatically export data to a database – including Excel spreadsheet, MS Access database, Triple-S, SPSS and SQL databasesYes
Automatically export data to a Snap surveyYes
Join multiple surveys that have the same participants but different questionsYes
API – Get survey status, export responses, getting just the latest each time. Add, edit, delete participantsYesYes

Share results with colleagues/associates

Product FeatureFull Snap XMP suiteSnap XMP Online only
Include results from paper surveys in online reportsYesYes
Individual Online accounts with appropriate permissions to access surveys / analysis / reportsYesYes
Publish results as HTML for online viewingYesYes
Copy and paste to Microsoft Office and other software packagesYesYes

Help and Support

Product FeatureFull Snap XMP suite Snap XMP Online only
HelpDesk – UK, Europe, APAC, US and CanadaYesYes
Training – Courses covering every aspect of the survey processYesYes
Resources – Worksheets, Webinar, How-To VideosYesYes