Command Lines for Snap XMP Desktop

Opening a survey

Option Online/Offline Description Example
“filename” offline Opens with the survey filename. This is equivalent to double-clicking on the file. The operation distinguishes between MDF, ADF, TMDF files. “snap Desktop.exe” “snSurvey.mdf”
/S Opens the last used survey “snap Desktop.exe” /S
/S “filename” offline Opens the named survey. “snap Desktop.exe” /S “snSurvey.mdf”
“snap Desktop.exe” /S “c:\myfolder\snSurvey.mdf”
/S “path\” offline Opens with the current survey overview folder set to path Make sure to include the trailing ‘\’. “snap Desktop.exe” /S “c:\myfolder\”
/S {surveyid} online Opens an online survey using the SOL id (a guid).
Requires the server and account details to be set up first (including “remember credentials”)
The {surveyid} can be found from “Tailor|Online Details…” when the survey is open.
“snap Desktop.exe” /S {541963AE-B5AF-4D6D-95E8-804B196E5687}

Make sure that you don’t use quote marks unless you have an offline survey named after a guid
/S #”filename” online Use # to open an online survey using the display name in the root folder (“my work”)
Requires the server and account details to be set up first (including “remember credentials”)
“snap Desktop.exe” /S #”snSurvey”
/S #”path\filename” online Use # to open an online survey, specify folder names from the root folder using backslash(\) Requires the server and account details to be set up first (including “remember credentials”) “snap Desktop.exe” /S #”folder\snSurvey”
/S #”\filename” online Use # with a leading backslash to open an online survey in any online folder.
Requires the server and account details to be set up first (including “remember credentials”)
If there is more than one match then the command line will fail.

“snap Desktop.exe” /S #”\snSurvey”

“snap Desktop.exe” /S #”\folder\snSurvey”

Repairing a survey


Secondary option




/S /R offline Repair the named survey. “snap Desktop.exe” /S “snSurvey.mdf” /R

Updating a survey


Secondary option



/S /U Update the named survey. Opens, upgrades (if needed), syncs data cases if online, then closes. “snap Desktop.exe” /S “snSurvey.mdf” /U
“snap Desktop.exe” /S “c:\myfolder\snSurvey.mdf” /U

Exporting and Importing a SNIF file


Secondary option




/S /EX offline Export the named survey to a SNIF file.
If no SNIF filename is specified, then the survey is exported to the clipboard.
“snap Desktop.exe” /S “snSurvey.mdf” /EX “snSurvey.sif”
/IS “filename”

offline Import a SNIF file. “snap Desktop.exe” /IS “snSurvey.xml”

Run a report


Secondary option

Additional options



/S /B “batch”

Execute the named batch report.
The export method is specified by the current tailoring.
“snap Desktop.exe” /S “snSurvey.mdf” /B “bt1”

/F “expression” Apply a filter. “snap Desktop.exe” /S “snSurvey.mdf” /B “bt1” /F “Q1=1”

/N “printname” Specify the Name of the print job. Only useful when using a program like Ghost script to turn the job name into a file name “snap Desktop.exe” /S “snSurvey.mdf” /B “bt1” /N “output.pdf”
/C q = “val” Specify the value of q@context “snap Desktop.exe” /S “snSurvey.mdf” /C q1=1 /C q2=”example” /B bt1

/XS “filename” Specifies the eXternal Survey when running a suitable batch report “snap Desktop.exe” /S “snSurvey.mdf” /XS “snBenchmarks.mdf” /B bt1

Print from the Questionnaire window


Secondary option

Additional options



/P “filename” Print questionnaire design window “snap Desktop.exe” /P “snSurvey.mdf”
/S /P

Print questionnaire design window “snap Desktop.exe” /S “snSurvey.mdf” /P
/V Print values from the raw data (data view of design window, all cases) “snap Desktop.exe” /S “snSurvey.mdf” /P /V
/V “dbLink” Print values from the named data base link (Panel data view of design window, all cases) data link must be an ‘import all cases’ type. dbLink name is case sensitive. “snap Desktop.exe” /S “snSurvey.mdf” /P /V “Customer Details

/V /F “expression” Apply a filter. “snap Desktop.exe” /S “snSurvey.mdf” /P /V /F “case <= 10”
/V /O sep “dbLink” Print panel view data cases separated into separate print jobs “snap Desktop.exe” /S “Survey.mdf” /P /V /O sep

/ED “edition” Specify the edition to use in the design window. The name must be an exact match, including any spaces. “snap Desktop.exe” /S “snSurvey.mdf” /P /ED “Paper: Keyed”
/L “lang” Specify the Language to use in the design window.
Use either the name of the language or the 2 letter code.
“snap Desktop.exe” /S “snSurvey.mdf” /P /ED “Paper: Keyed” /L “French”

/N “printname” Specify the Name of the print job. Only useful when using a program like Ghost script to turn the job name into a file name “snap Desktop.exe” /S “snSurvey.mdf” /P /N “output.pdf”

Run a database link

Option Secondary option Description Example
/S /DB “dblink” Execute a named database link from the data entry window. dbLink name is case sensitive. “snap Desktop.exe” /S “snSurvey.mdf” /DB “Customer Details”

Open with a specified window

Option Secondary option Additional options Description Example
/S /Q

Open survey with the Questionnaire design window open “snap Desktop.exe” /S “snSurvey.mdf” /Q
/ED “edition” Specify the edition to use in the design window. The name must be an exact match, including any spaces. “snap Desktop.exe” /S “snSurvey.mdf” /Q /ED “Paper: Keyed”
/L “lang” Specify the language to use in the design window. Use either the name of the language or the 2 letter code. “snap Desktop.exe” /S “snSurvey.mdf” /Q /L “fr”
/D Open survey with the Data entry window open “snap Desktop.exe” /S “snSurvey.mdf” /D
/B Open the Batch reports overview “snap Desktop.exe” /S “snSurvey.mdf” /B
/T Open survey with the results overview window open (Tables) “snap Desktop.exe” /S “snSurvey.mdf” /T
/W Open survey with the weights overview window open. “snap Desktop.exe” /S “snSurvey.mdf” /W

Running options

Option Description Example
/y Suppress message boxes without logging “snap Desktop.exe” /S “snSurvey.mdf” /B bt1 /y
/Y Suppress message boxes and record the messages and default answers in file SnapMessageLog.txt.
The output file is in the “all users public documents” area, typically C:\Users\Public\Documents\Snap Desktop\SnapMessageLog.txt, provided that the user has write access
“snap Desktop.exe” /S “snSurvey.mdf” /B bt1 /Y
/Y “filename” As above, but the user can specify the location of the log file. “snap Desktop.exe” /S “snSurvey.mdf” /B bt1 /Y “c:\myfolder\mylog.txt”
-#num Selects a licence when multiple licences are available. ‘num’ is the index of the licence file. “snap Desktop.exe” -#1

General considerations

You may leave out speech marks, but they are always required if the value contains either a space or a forward slash ‘/’. Note that “snap desktop.exe” contains a space, and so must appear within quotes.

Speech marks are always double quotes, single quotes are not supported.

Most options ignore case; however the case-sensitive options are: /y, /Y, /DB “dbLink”, and /V “dbLink” where the correct case has to be used for the “dbLink” name.

Return values

The program returns 0 if the command line is successful.

  • 0: Success
  • 1: Unspecified Error
  • 2: File Not Found
  • 3: File Access Error
  • 4: Data Error
  • 5: Object Not Found
  • 6: Process Aborted
  • 7: Licence Error
  • 8: Terminal Error
  • 9: Repair Failed
  • 10: Validation Failed (eg SOL login)
  • 11: Action Not Supported (eg some command line options do not work with online surveys)
  • Other value: Unexpected Error