
What is routing?

In your questionnaire you often want to ask certain questions to specific groups of respondents rather than all respondents. This is usually based on the answers they have already selected in previous questions.

 Question routing sets up the questionnaire so respondents are only asked questions relevant to them during completion. Questions that are not relevant to them are skipped. You can set up the routing rules in the Routing side menu in the Build side menu in the Online Designer.

Build side menu with Routing highlighted

There are three types of routing rules that can be used in a Snap XMP Online questionnaire.

  • Ask this question if … – the question is only asked if a specific answer or answers have been given to a previous question.
  • Go-to routing – the next question that is asked is dependent on the answer selected.
  • Post-condition routing – this will forward the respondent onto the next relevant question regardless of the answer given.

Setting up Ask this question if… routing

Questions with this type of routing are only asked if a specific answer or answers have been given to a previous question. Before this question is asked, Snap XMP Online checks that the routing conditions are met. If the conditions are met the question is asked, otherwise it is skipped.

There are 3 restrictions for this type of routing

  • only one such rule is allowed per question
  • the rule can reference more than one question
  • the rule can only reference previously asked questions on the questionnaire

Steps to follow when setting up the routing are

  1. Select Routing in the side menu. This is underneath the Insert question menu.
  2. Select the Edit Routing icon icon on the Ask this question if… item.
  3. This shows a Manage pre-condition routing window where you can enter the routing relationships.
Manage pre-condition routing for ask this question if routing
  1. There is an expression entry for every section or row in the question. In this example, Q6 is the Multiple Choice section and Q6a is the Other response section.
  2. Add a routing expression for the question. Further details on routing rules can be found in Routing rules expressions.
  3. Click OK to save the routing.
ExpressionThis is the condition that needs to be satisfied for the question to be asked. More details on expression are given in Routing Rule Expressions.
ActionYou can click the bin icon to delete the routing on the question shown in the same row.
ScopeThe scope selects whether the expression will apply to all questions in the dialog list or only the current selection.
Display settingsThis drop down shows a list of options for hiding or displaying the routing on your questionnaire.
OKClick OK to save the routing.
CancelClick Cancel to cancel any changes made.

Setting up Go-to routing

This routing will direct a respondent to the next relevant question within the questionnaire depending on the answer they select.

This type of routing is available for Multiple Choice, Single Choice and Drop down questions. This routing is usually used with single response questions. If a multiple response question has Go to routing on several codes going to different question numbers, then the routing will go to the question furthest down the questionnaire.

Steps to follow when setting up the routing are

  1. Select Routing in the side menu. This is underneath the Insert question menu.
  2. Select the Edit Routing icon icon on the Go-to routing item.
  3. This shows a Manage go-to routing window where you can enter the routing relationships
Manage go-to routing
  1. The Target drop down contains the list of available target question. Select the target question from the drop down list. The target question will be the next question when the corresponding answer is selected.
  2. Click OK to save the changes.
Code labelThe code labels from the selected question
TargetThis is a list of all the questions that are after the selected question. This list also includes titles and the end of the questionnaire. You can choose the question you would like to go to when this answer is selected.
Display settingsThis drop down shows a list of options for hiding or displaying the routing on your questionnaire.
Bin IconYou can click this icon to delete the routing on the code label in the same row.
OKClick OK to save the routing.
CancelClick Cancel to cancel any changes made.

Setting up Post-condition routing

This will forward the respondent onto the next relevant question in the questionnaire irrespective of the answer given in the current question.

Steps to follow when setting up the routing are

  1. Select Routing in the side menu. This is underneath the Insert question menu.
  2. Select the Edit Routing icon icon on the Post-condition routing item.
  3. This shows a Manage post-condition routing window where you can enter the routing relationships
Manage post-condition routing
  1. Add a routing expression for the question. Further details on routing rules can be found in Routing rules expressions.
  2. Select the target question from the list available.
  3. Click Add rule if you need more than one post-condition rule. Then repeat steps 4 and 5 to add the routing.
  4. Click OK to save the routing changes.
ExpressionThis is the condition that needs to be satisfied in order to go to the target question. More details on expression are given in Routing Rule Expressions.
TargetThis is a list of all the questions that are after the selected question. This list also includes titles and the end of the questionnaire. You can choose the question you would like to go to when this expression is satisfied.
Display settingsThis drop down shows a list of options for hiding or displaying the routing on your questionnaire.
Bin IconYou can click the bin icon to delete the routing on the question shown in the same row.
Add ruleYou can have more than one post-condition routing expression. You can click the Add Rule button to add another expression row.
OKClick OK to save the routing.
CancelClick Cancel to cancel any changes made.

Showing Routing

Routing can be hidden or displayed in the questionnaire when it is used for interviewing or printed on paper. This setting is in all the Manage routing dialogs which appear after clicking the Edit Routing icon routing icon.

Show the routing icons on the questionnaire

The 3 options available are:

  • Paper only – routing is shown on paper questionnaires, but not other publication methods.
  • Always show – routing is always displayed on the questionnaire in all publication methods.
  • Never show – routing is not shown on the questionnaire in any form of publication method.

If questions are moved around after routing rules have been set up, the routing will automatically be updated with the new question numbers.

Viewing the question relationships

The Routing side menu shows the routing rules and relationships that have been applied to the selected question.

The Routing menu shown below has no routing applied and is the default when adding a question into a questionnaire.

Routing side menu showing the routing applied to the selected question

The following menu has some routing applied. In each section of routing you can see the routing expressions that are applied on the selected question, which is Q6 in this example.

The question has

  • Ask this question if routing on Q6 which uses the answer for Q5. Q5 is listed as a Source in the Relationships section.
  • Ask this question if routing on Q6a which is shown when the Other response is chosen
  • Go-to routing where the target is Q8 when the Solution Desk answer is selected. Q8 is listed as under Dependencies in the Relationships section.
Routing side menu showing the routing relationships for the selected question