The Dos and Don’ts of Scanning
- Create a brand new survey specifically for scanning using the Scanning template provided with Snap XMP Desktop when creating it.
- Provide instructions at the beginning of the survey advising on how to complete the questionnaire.
- Use check box questions wherever you can rather than ones which ask the user to write a response.
- Apply the grid box style for open-ended questions
- Use scanning validation and patterns to help recognise the type of data that will be entered.
- Calibrate and TEST your survey BEFORE distributing it. This can involve printing some copies, get colleagues to complete them and scan the answers in to check that everything works.
- Sort your surveys before scanning and make sure the page order and orientation are consistent.
- Scan in batches of between 10 and 50 pages.
- Design questionnaires with boxes that are shadowed, contain a coloured background or have a non-rectangular shape, such as a circle.
- Design questionnaires with boxes that do not have a clear margin around the perimeter of each box or with boxes that are too close together.
- Design questionnaires with background or drop-out colours that might conflict with the particular scanner in use. Certain light colours can appear transparent to a scanner but it is manufacturer dependent and light colours should always be used with caution.
- Change the margins, font or questions of a survey once live.
- Reduce the margins of the survey to any less than .25 inches/cm
- Expect to get good results from cases containing poorly written numbers or words. Although Snap will attempt to recognise them.
- Print on dark coloured paper; ideally stick to black text on white paper.
- Change printer or printer driver.
- Change the PC’s operating system.