This worksheet describes how to provide easy-to-use filters for analyses on Snap WebHost. These allow you and your associates to quickly filter the data used in your analyses and reports. It also covers how to hide reports and analyses so they cannot be seen on Snap WebHost.

This worksheet uses a version of the crocodile survey supplied with Snap. The survey can be found in the default users/public folder in the Survey Overview window.


When you design a survey in Snap for Snap WebHost you can set up filters that can be selected in Snap WebHost. These can be used on the data for all analyses and reports for that survey. They are available to you and any associates that you have assigned the survey to.

Note: It is possible to set up your Snap WebHost filters so that different associates can only see selected filters. This worksheet only shows how to set filters up so they are all available to everyone.

Summary of steps

Step 1: Creating the filters to use in Snap WebHost
Step 2: Checking the Snap WebHost filter in Snap
Step 3: Using the filters in Snap WebHost

Further information: Turning filters on and off for each analysis in Snap

Step 1: Creating the filters to use in Snap WebHost

  1. Click results on the Snap toolbar to open the Analyses window.


  2. Click filter on the Analyses toolbar to open the Define External Filter / Context dialog. (You can also open this dialog by clicking filter on the Reports window toolbar.)


  3. Click [Add] to add a filter. The Select Variable dialog appears.
  4. Choose Q9 from the drop-down list and click [OK]. This allows you and associates to filter results by the age of the respondent.
  5. Click [Add] and select Q5 from the drop down list. This will give you a range filter (of the amount spent). This will allow you to choose a maximum and/or minimum quantity.


  6. Click [OK] to save your Snap WebHost filters.

Step 2: Checking the Snap WebHost filter in Snap

You can only use a Snap WebHost filter if external filters are enabled for analyses and reports. You can turn these on and off for each analysis or report.

  1. Click results on the Snap toolbar to open the results window.
  2. Double-click AN13 to display it.
  3. Click the filter on the toolbar to show your filters. You can apply them here.

Step 3: Using the filters in Snap WebHost

As this is an example, you can upload the survey with data to your account on Snap WebHost rather than wait for the data to come in. If you are uploading your own survey to Snap WebHost, upload the published survey as described in the section Upload the published survey to Snap WebHost in the Getting Started guide.

  1. Click survey_overview on the main Snap toolbar to change to the Survey Overview window.
  2. Highlight your survey and click arch_surv to open the Archive Survey dialog.


    Make a note of the path and file name. (You can change these by clicking [Browse…]).

  1. Select Include Raw Data to include the survey data and click [OK].
  2. Upload the archived .adf file to your account on Snap WebHost as described in the section Upload the published survey to Snap WebHost.
  3. Open the survey on Snap WebHost.
  4. Go to the Analyses tab, and select the stacked barchart AN13.


  5. See how it looks unfiltered.
  6. Select the Filters tab. Click the triangle by a filter to display the filter options.
  7. Apply the filters you require and click the Update analysis link. The bar chart updates to show the selected data (in the example, people aged 25 – 34 who spent £10 or less).


Turning filters on and off for each analysis in Snap

You can control whether people can apply filters to an analysis on Snap WebHost by using settings in Snap. You can also control whether they can see an individual analysis.

  1. Open your survey in Snap and click results to open the Analyses window.
  2. Open the analysis that you want to control and click var_prop on the analysis window toolbar to display the analysis definition.
  3. Check that Allow additional filters is selected. (Clear this to disable people from applying filters in Snap WebHost.)


  4. Check that the Available field is clear or says Yes. (Enter No in this field to stop the analysis being available in Snap WebHost. Enter a condition in this field to allow the analysis to be available in Snap WebHost if the condition is true.)

You can set Available conditions on reports in the report definition.


This worksheet has described how to add filters to a survey so you can easily apply them in Snap WebHost.

If you wish to filter all the data for associates, see the worksheet: Filtering the analyses your clients see.

There is a description of the Define External Filter/Context dialog in the help.

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