Provide outsourced customer care facilities and in-depth customer insight and analysis.
BW Research
BW Research is an applied research firm providing the most accurate, reliable data & analyses.
Enventure Research
Delivering research, engagement and consultation for the public sector.
Tourism South East logo
Providing services/expertise to support the performance and growth of businesses and destinations.
Matter is a research consultancy that delivers strategic direction though insightful research.
CHILDWISE are a full service market research agency, specialising in child and youth research.
SMSR Research
Established in 1991, SMSR is a full research agency working in both the public and private sectors.
Fieldwork Assistance
All types of interviewing and data collection, data entry into Snap. We operate across the UK.
Strategic Marketing
Full service research and evaluation agency providing quant/qual research throughout UK & Ireland.
Sapio Research
A London based full-service market research agency.
A social research company specialising in inclusive and accessible reports, research and evaluation.
CooperGibson Research
Research consultancy for social care, education, skills, employment and public service improvement.
Ekos logo
EKOS is an economic and social research consultancy, providing evidence based research and solutions.
Silver Dialogue Limited
Engaging with actual or potential research participants by phone (CATI), online and via social media.
RM Insight
Research agency specialising in project evaluation in children and young people sector.
Tower is a creative strategic marketing communications agency located in the Cayman Islands.
iThoughts Research Ltd
iThoughts Research are a qualitative full-service agency specialising in Consumer and B2B fieldwork.
Shine Feedback Limited
Shine provide bespoke, personalised consumer & employee feedback research.
Cascade Strategies, Inc.
24-year veteran market research firm serving Fortune 500 clients worldwide.
Austin Research
Market research consultancy specialising in quantitative research in both consumer and B2B markets.
Zing logo
Zing Insights are a full service market research company based in Norfolk.
Snap Surveys Projects Team
A one-stop-shop for all your Snap Survey needs.
ConneXion Research
ConneXion Research is a strategic agency that utilizes a strong foundation in research.
Rica is a UK consumer research charity specialising in work with older and disabled consumers.
Assenti Research
Marketing and Social Research.
Phoenix MRC Limited
We make it easy to make a difference through Insight & research. Click our name to find out more.
Insightful Research
Specialists in education market research.
Market 2 Win
Market 2 Win: Strategic Sales and Marketing Support.
Taurus Research
Qualitative & Quantitative Field, Data & Analysis.
Destination Research Ltd
A full-service market research agency working in the leisure, tourism and cultural sectors.
Axiom Consultancy Ltd
Axiom provides bespoke market research and consultancy solutions to help your organisation thrive.
Informa Consultants
Informa Consultants is a full-service research agency located in Malta.
Service Science
Service Science is a specialist market research consultancy providing tailored research solutions.
Harlow Consulting Services Ltd
We provide research, evaluation and qualifications and standards design.
Delta Research
Full Market Agency in Latin America.
Quality & Marketing Solutions BVBA (QMS)
QMS is the Benelux Distributor of Snap Survey software and a registered Market Research Agency.
Chorus Insight Limited
We help leaders excel using feedback collected independently.
Darmax Research Limited
A full-service market and social research agency for both public and private sector organisations
Field Connection Limited
Independent Face to Face data gathering using 3G and Flash enabled tablets.
Core Research
We find ways to dig deep into a problem and find the unseen using traditional and innovative methods.
Latimer Appleby Limited
Personal, Flexible, Dependable.
CJM Research
Market research consultancy that will improve your business and help you make better decisions.
Viewpoint Research CIC
Award-winning social enterprise. Specialists in collecting customer feedback over the telephone.
56 Degree Insight Limited
A Research and Insights company based In Edinburgh but providing research services across the UK.
England Marketing Limited
Market researchers specialising in food, agriculture and the environment.
Wright Research
Market research to improve business performance. Specific expertise in business to business research.
Pye Tait Consulting
Research consultancy (est. 1991) offering expert services to the public, private & voluntary sectors.
Nisus Consulting Limited
Specialists in client relationship market research for professional services firms.
Caledonia Market Research
Specialising in quant/qual for the business, healthcare, veterinary and education sectors.
IRN Research
IRN Research offers a flexible, dynamic, full service research consultancy service.
ACE Market Research
A research consultancy with a friendly and flexible approach - founded by Amanda Claesens.
Avalon Research
Full service market research agency offering both qual and quant methodologies.
LeBel Marketing
Providing top-notch research in all quantitative and qualitative methodologies for 20+ years.
Public Perspectives Ltd
Social and market research, evaluation and consultation for the Public and Charitable sectors.
Information by Design Ltd
Full-service research and evaluation agency, with particular specialism in statistical research.
Shift Insight
A market research agency specialising in the education sector.
Caron Research Group, LLC
Certified WBE market research co., specializing in online research, data tabulation, and reporting.
Progressive Partnership
Established in 1985 Progressive is Scotland's leading independent Market and Social Research Agency.
Shanks Research Consultancy
Market Research, Training, and Consultancy
Blake Stevenson Ltd.
Social Research and Consultancy Support
Princeton National Surveys
We program, host and process online and mobile surveys.
Protel Fieldwork Ltd
Independent Market Research Field & Tab agency with a 25 seat CATI unit and UK wide Field Force.
Insight Surveys
A full-service survey/research firm providing affordable, accurate insights since 2004.
Community First Partnership
Green space and heritage consultancy including research and evaluation.
Top Of Mind
Top Of Mind® is a market research fieldwork agency working based in Tunisia.
Vision One logo
Full service Market Research and Insight agency (UK and International Research).
Corona Insights
Full service market research specializing in government and nonprofit sectors.
Compass Research
Market research consultancy, very personal, friendly service & accessible location, Midlands based.
OMB Research
We provide fresh thinking and flexible solutions to help our clients make the right decisions
Marketing Means
Full service market research agency based in Devon, England, with our own CATI call centre.
Research Resource
Social and economic research agency based in Scotland.
Insight Track Limited
Insight Track is a full service marketing research agency based in East Anglia.
Zing Insights Ltd
Zing Insights Ltd is a full service insights agency specialising in voice of customer
Mellion Consulting Ltd
Customer loyalty and retention consultancy, helping organisations enhance customer commitment
Service Insights Ltd
Providing expertise in customer satisfaction measurement and service performance improvement. BSI ISO9001 accredited and MRS Company Partner.
Jump Research Ltd
Market Research Agency.

Please note that the Research Partners listed in this directory are independent entities and that Snap Surveys cannot accept any liability for the performance of their services. We try to ensure that the information contained in the directory is correct at the time of submission, but do not accept any responsibility for any omissions or inaccurate content.