[Version 11.11.4 upwards]

You can use a photo as a response to a question in your surveys. If you’re interviewing using Snap Mobile Anywhere you can take a photo on your smartphone or tablet in response to a question. This worksheet tells you how to set up the survey and download the response files.

Note that you cannot take photos in the survey on Windows devices, but you can attach a stored photo.


You can tell people to answer a question with a photo or a file attached using a data picker.

When you create an open ended literal question in a survey, you have the option of showing the question with a data picker. If it’s a Mobile survey, you have the choice of an on-screen keyboard or an “attach photo” option. When the survey is running, you can respond to the question by taking a photo or attaching a file.

Snap provides the option of limiting the size of images used in the survey as large photos can:

  • take up a lot of space on a device
  • use a lot of bandwidth
  • be slow to upload.

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Putting the photo question in the survey

This example shows how to add a question to your survey with a photo response

  1. Open your mobile survey
  2. Add an Open-ended style question to your survey. (Click add on the toolbar to add a question, and use the drop-down list to set its style.)
  3. Enter the photo instruction, e.g. “Click the icon to attach a photo of the problem”
  4. Select Show in the toolbar, then select Data Picker in the next dropdown list.
  5. Select the Show box.
  6. Change the drop-down list on the right from Keyboard to Attach Photo. The icon by the response box will change from an A to a landscape.Show footnote selected
  7. Click save to save your changes.

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Setting the size of the images

Large images can use a lot of memory on a device, be slow to upload and take up a lot of bandwidth when they are uploaded. You can set the size of the images used in a survey to reduce the memory and bandwidth needed.

Once you have set the size, you must publish your survey, upload it to Snap WebHost and make it available to associates.

  1. Click q_prop on the Questionnaire window toolbar to open the Questionnaire Properties dialog.
  2. Scroll down and select Controls in the left-hand pane.
    QP: Controls properties for kiosk
  3. Change the Image size to Medium.
  4. Click [OK] to save your change.
  5. You can now publish your survey. Publishing the survey, uploading it to Snap WebHost and making it available is described in the worksheet Setting up surveys for Snap Mobile Anywhere.

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Test attaching images to the survey

Open the survey in Snap Mobile Anywhere and attach a photo.

  1. Open Snap Mobile Anywhere on your device.
  2. Log into your account on Snap WebHost.
  3. Open the survey containing the question asking for a photo response.
    Setup screen for offline interviewing
  4. Click the photo icon to attach an image. You can take a photo (if your device has a camera) or attach an existing file.
  5. When you have selected your image, a thumbnail of it will be displayed on screen.
    Setup screen for offline interviewing
    Click [Submit] to upload the survey and associated photo to Snap WebHost.

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Downloading your attachments

When you have received responses, you must download the attachments from Snap WebHost to examine them.

  1. Log into Snap WebHost and select the survey containing the attached files.
  2. Select the Summary tab.
    SWH: survey summary with attachement download link
  3. Click the Download attachments link.
    A window opens listing the attached files. They are listed as a table, with columns for the ID of the case with attached files and the questions with file attachment responses.
    SWH: Left-hand analysis pane showing uploads tab
  4. Click Download All to download all attached files for the survey to a zip file.
    The files are named according to the ref number. For example, the file attached to the first case in response to Q3 will have a filename of 0000000001_Q3 (plus extension).The ref number is recorded as the question response in the survey data. Once you have downloaded the Snap data responses you can use the reference number to identify the associated file.SWH: Left-hand analysis pane showing uploads tab

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Further reading

You can find more about Snap Mobile Anywhere in Getting started with Snap Mobile Anywhere.

The Questionnaire properties Controls dialog reference page is Mobile: Controls properties.

If there is a topic you would like a worksheet on, email to snapideas@snapsurveys.com