SMSR Research
Established in 1991, SMSR is a full research agency working in both the public and private sectors.
Company description

SMSR is a dynamic and innovative research agency with 25 year’s dedicated research and evaluation experience. SMSR has dedicated operating divisions that handle research projects on behalf of a wide range of organisations including police forces, local authorities, health organisations and private sector businesses.

Specialist sectors
Areas of expertise
Business to business, Communications / PR / Advertising / Media, Concept testing, Customer satisfaction / loyalty, Employee research, Social research, Usage and attitude
CAPI, CATI, Depth interviews, Group discussions / focus group, Mystery shopping, Online qualitative research, Panel surveys and panel management, Paper surveys, Presentation of data, Qualitative recruitment, Qualitative analysis, Questionnaire design, Report writing, Stakeholder workshops, Tabulation and analysis, Translations, Web surveys
Accreditations and affiliations
ISO9001, Fair data, MRS company partner
Business Phone Number
+44 (0)1482 211 200
Business Contact Email
Business Website Address
Postal address
Wellington House,
108 Beveley Road,
East Yorkshire,