This worksheet describes setting up a satisfaction survey where respondents select items to rate from a multi-choice list. The associated rating question is only displayed for the selected item. This is done using simple routing.


Routing allows you to select which questions are displayed depending on previous answers. There are three types of routing:

Conditionally Ask Question
This only displays a question if certain conditions are met, e.g. if the respondent has given specific answers to one or more previous questions.

Goto On Answer
This moves through the questionnaire depending which answer is selected. It’s normally used to jump sections of a questionnaire according to the response to a single-response question.

Goto After Question
This moves through the questionnaire after a question has been answered. It’s normally used to jump irrelevant sections of a questionnaire.

Summary of steps

This worksheet describes how to set up routing so that only the appropriate elements in a grid question are displayed.

Step 1: Create the conditions

This example uses a multi-choice question for respondents to select which facilities they have used. They can choose as many as they wish.The survey then offers a rating scale for the facilities. The routing conditions means that the rating scale only displays questions about the facilities they have used.

  1. Open the Questionnaire window of your survey.
  2. Create the multi-choice question if you have not already done so. This example asks which fitness equipment people have used.

    Screenshot of gymn equipment question

  3. Select the first line of the first grid section, (Q2.a) Rowing machine
  4. Click Routing button to open the Routing Rules dialog for that question.

    Empty routing dialog for q2a

  5. Click [Add] to create a routing rule.

    New routing instruction dialog: conditionally ask

  6. Set the type to be Conditionally Ask Question and click [OK]. The Rule Details dialog appears. Enter q1=1 in the If field. This will cause the first question of the grid to be displayed if the respondent has selected code 1 (Rowing machine) in response to question 1.
    Routing rules dialog showing if q1=1
  7. Click [OK]. A small arrow is added to the start of the question to show that there is routing applied to it. You can double-click this arrow to open the Routing Rules dialog.
  8. You can add routing to the other questions in the grid by going through the variable properties dialog.Select the second line in the grid and click Properties button or press the [Alt] + [Enter] keys, to display the Variable Properties window. Type unless (q1=2) in the Not Asked field. This will cause this question to be asked if the respondent has selected code 2 (Exercise bike) in response to question 1.

    VP: q2 set as a quatity question

  9. Repeat for the other lines in the grid, with appropriate condition values. (You can use either method of creating the condition.)

Step 2: Put in a page break

Select the first line of the grid and press [Ctrl]+[S] to insert a page break before it. This means that bits of the grid will not visibly appear and disappear when the respondent selects or deselects responses to the first question.

Step 3: Publish and test your survey

  1. Select File|Publish to publish your survey.
  2. Select Publish with preview as the method.

    Publish Questionnaire with preview

  3. Click [Publish].
  4. Select some options in the preview window that appears.

    First page of fitness suite survey

  5. Click [Next] and confirm that the correct elements of the grid appear.

    Second page of fitness suite survey


This worksheet has described how to set up Conditionally Ask routing rules so that only the appropriate grid questions are displayed.

For a brief tutorial showing how to use all types of routing, see the Snap routing rules tutorial.

Examples of If conditions to use are given in Examples of If conditions in routing for multi-choice questions.

An example of omitting complete grids is given in the worksheet: Setting a “do not ask” condition on multiple questions.

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