This worksheet describes how to use one survey to automatically invite respondents to complete a follow-up survey using event feedback as an example.

This worksheet assumes you have already created two surveys:

Survey 1: Event registration survey for attendees on arrival at an event. This survey will push the respondent details into survey two by adding them to the database contained within Snap WebHost. Together with the other questions you wish to ask, it should include an email address.

event reg email

Survey 2: Post event satisfaction survey (to be completed after the event). This survey will send email invitations and reminders to those people registering through survey one.

event satisfaction

Note: Although this example is simply passing the email address from survey one, you could also send other data collected by survey one such as name and address. The name could then be used to personalize the email invitation to survey two.

Step 1: Survey 1 – Rename the variable for email address.

When joining a database, it makes it easier if the variable names match with the column headers in the database.

  • Click on the ‘Email Address’ question and then select the ‘Variable Properties’ icon variable properties icon.
  • Edit the Name field by replacing the displayed question number with ‘Email’.
    variable properties name
  • Note: Once variables have been renamed, it is advisable to then hide the names. This will ensure the numbering is correct sequentially and at the same time maintain the survey’s visual appeal.

Step 2: Survey 2 – Publish and upload to Snap WebHost.

For the survey to be made available on online, it needs to be published (to a zip file) and then uploaded to Snap WebHost.

  • Select File | Publish from the Questionnaire Design window.
  • Ensure the Publish without Preview is selected in the Output section of the Publish Questionnaire dialog box and set the Output Path location for the published zip file (questionnaire).
  • Open your web browser and navigate to
  • Enter your username and password and click Log in.
  • You will then enter the Surveys section of Snap WebHost.
  • Click on the upload new survey link. A new window will open.
  • Click Browse and navigate to the location of the published survey (zip file).
  • Select the .zip file and click Open in the Choose File to Upload dialog box.
  • Click Upload to upload the questionnaire to Snap WebHost.

Step 3: Survey 2 – Enable database links.

To allow survey one to automatically add respondents to the database contained in Snap WebHost, you must check the Enable Database Updates box on the Setup page of survey two.

It is advisable to set a password on the survey to ensure only you can change the survey respondents.

  • Click on the Name of survey two in the Surveys section of Snap WebHost.
  • Click the Setup tab.
  • Check the Enable Database Updates box.
  • Enter a password in the Password field. You will need the password in step 5.
  • Click the Save button.

Step 4: Survey 2 – Start survey without starting the mailing

  • Click the Summary tab.
  • Click on start questionnaire now.
  • Choose start questionnaire mailing and click Ok. The process for starting the mailing will be show in step 7.
  • Copy the k number in the URL to your clipboard. This will be used when setting up the Web Page after Submission in step 5.
    k number

Step 5: Survey 1 – Set up the Webpage after submission.

  • To create the URL for your webpage after submission, add your K number and password to the string below (you may want to use Notepad or MS Word). number from step 4&kp=password from step 3&a=add&u={Email}&e={Email}

Note: If the URL for your survey starts with then replace the start of the URL with: in these examples.

Your url should look something like this:!V5XzKUw7$ngkMMFc2tn=&a=add&u={Email}&e={Email}

  • In Questionnaire mode, click questionnaire properties to open the Questionnaire Properties dialog.
  • Select Replies in the left-hand pane.
  • For the webpage after submission, select the Web page radio button in the On Submit section then insert your URL. This is how the data from survey one will be fed into survey two.

Step 6: Survey 1 – Upload the survey and start it.

  • Select File | Publish from the Questionnaire Design window.
  • Ensure the Publish without Preview is selected in the Output section of the Publish Questionnaire dialog box and set the Output Path location for the published zip file (questionnaire).
  • Open your web browser and navigate to
  • Enter your username and password and click Log in. You will then enter the Surveys section of Snap WebHost.
  • Click on the upload new survey link. A new window will open.
  • Click Browse and navigate to the location of the published survey (zip file).
  • Select the .zip file and click Open in the Choose File to Upload dialog box.
  • Click Upload to upload the questionnaire to Snap WebHost.
  • Click on the Name of survey two in the Surveys section.
  • Click on start questionnaire now.

Step 7: Survey 2 – Start mailing.

The mailing is started when the event has finished.

  • Click the Summary tab.
  • Click restart mailing 1.
    restart mailing 2

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