Exporting data from Snap into other applications such as Excel can be carried out in the steps below. The example used is based on the snCrocodile survey located in your Snap Survey Overview window.

Step 1

Open the survey and click on the Data Entry button Data Entry to open the data entry window.

Step 2

From the main toolbar select File | Export. This will open the Data Export window.


Step 3

Select the following options:

  • Format dropdown list: When exporting into Excel, select Excel (CSV).
  • Destination section: Choose File. Browse to select the destination where your file will be saved. Snap will generate a file name which is derived from the survey name.
  • Export section: If all questions and responses are to be exported, leave the Filter and Content blank. Otherwise specify which questions you require for example if questions 1 to 5 need to be exported, the following would be typed into Content: Q1 to Q5. A Filter can also be applied (if necessary) e.g. for people aged under 18 the filter would be Q9=1.
  • Export Options: Select ‘Expand Multiples’ only if you require multiple choice questions to be expanded into individual columns – that is one column per answer rather than one column per question.
    Select Code Labels if you wish to see the codes as labels rather than numerical values.
    Select ‘Label Row’ if you wish to export the question text as a second header row in the CSV.

Step 4

Click OK. You will see a count of the number of cases that has been exported in the Export dialog. Click ‘Done‘.


Step 5

Open Excel.

Step 6

Browse to locate your saved file. Ensure the files type is set to ‘All files‘ to allow you to browse files with extensions other than xls (Excel files).

Step 7

Open up the file and view the data.


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