Survey responses saved in Snap WebHost can be downloaded and imported with a single click – there’s no need to log in to Snap WebHost to access new survey replies. Just link your survey and Snap WebHost account, and you’ll be notified as soon as new survey data is available. This step-by-step guide shows you how to:

  1. Link your survey and Snap WebHost account
  2. Download and import data into your survey

Note: This step-by-step guide describes how to retrieve online survey replies using Direct Download, available for surveys created in Snap Professional builds 11.18 and newer. Click here to upgrade to the latest build.  You cannot use Direct Download with surveys created in older versions of Snap Professional.

These steps assume you are already familiar with publishing a survey. For an overview of publishing options, view the Questionnaire Properties interactive tutorial.

Step 1 – Link your survey with a Snap WebHost account

  1. Click QuestionnairePropertiesButton to open Questionnaire Properties
  2. Select the Replies section
  3. Select the ‘Direct Download’ checkbox. Survey responses will now be stored in Snap WebHost, and can be downloaded to the survey for analysis.QuestionnairePropertiesReplies
  4. Now you need to specify the WebHost account to which this survey will be uploaded. Click ‘Change Account’. 
  5. Publish and upload the survey to the specified Snap WebHost account.

Step 2- Download and import data into your survey

  1. Open the survey into which you wish to import the survey response. If  responses are available, the Direct Download button will turn blue:ToolbarIncDD
  2. Click DD to begin Direct Download. Any new responses will be downloaded and imported into Snap desktop, ready for analysis.

Further Resources

Direct download is available from build 11.18 onwards, Click here to upgrade to the latest build. If you are not on the latest version of Snap and cannot upgrade, the links below will explain how to receive and import responses as email and as a text file. You can also view responses as a CSV file, however data in this form cannot be imported into Snap.

If there is a topic you would like a worksheet on, email to