More than just surveys

Utilise the extensive data collection and reporting capabilities of Snap Survey software to undertake a range of tasks from event booking, to time sheets or job application forms.

Event booking form

Use a survey to help organise events; an event booking form can gather an accurate head count, contact details for attendees, as well as other information such as dietary requirements. Offer a choice of dates, times, and locations, limit the number of spaces for an event, and set up automated email confirmations to attendees or alerts for organisers.

Awards nomination form

Collect and coordinate award nominations using a survey data form. Share the award nomination form as an online survey via email, or on paper – send out reminders, monitor responses, and view results.


Timesheets are easy to set up and manage: use a survey form where employees can record their time and managers can easily track and report on employees’ activity.

Holiday request forms

Simplify holiday requests and use a data form that employees can fill in to request time off. Managers can receive email alerts when the form is submitted, and approve or deny the holiday request.

Expenses claims

Create a survey form for staff to submit their expenses claims and upload pictures of their receipts, invoices or other supporting evidence.

Job application forms

Streamline the job application process by using a survey form to gather all the required information from potential candidates. Ask questions and get candidates to upload their CV, cover letter, or work samples with their application. Then use Snap’s reporting tools to organise and filter job applications to find the perfect candidate.

Website enquiry form

An online survey can be used as a website enquiry form; set up a questionnaire to ask for a name, contact details, with a free-text response for asking questions or leaving feedback.

Quizzes, tests, assessments

Create a questionnaire that can be used as a quiz, test or assessment tool – ask questions and automatically produce personalised reports based on the answers given, which are either shared with the respondents or relevant staff members.


Set up a survey form with the questions required to undertake an audit and share it with staff members for them to complete. Responses can be collated into reports that present the audit results ready to share.

Snap Surveys software could also be used for: Lead generation forms, inventories, quote generator, registration forms, incident reporting, safety assessment, sponsorship sign-up, event invitations, evidence collection, contact forms, authorisation forms, classroom observations, emergency contact form, medical history, legal disclaimer form, patient registration, or work orders.