When running a survey you may wish to limit the number of responses. This may be an overall limit, or it may be to limit or restrict the number of replies from certain groups of potential respondents.

Screenouts and quotas are used to set these limits and restrictions.


Attending this course will enable you to:

  • Create a screenout to stop certain groups from participating
  • Create a quota to restrict the number of replies from certain groups
  • Create ‘interlocking’ quotas which reference multiple questions
  • Set up an bespoke redirect message or page if said screenout or quota is met

Prices and dates

Click "Book" to review training course descriptions and available dates. Each one-hour training course costs $99.

CourseVenueDateMake a booking
Snap XMP - Screenouts and Quotas 1 hr online course Monday, July 29th, 2024 Book