New product launch: monitor employee happiness when working remotely

man sat at laptop with head in hands

We’re delighted to announce the launch of a new product for employee health and wellbeing – The Stress Indicator Tool 2.0 – building on the success of the original digital solution.

It helps businesses to get feedback on how their employees feel about work – such as managing their workload, stress levels, and dealing with pressure.

Part of the new upgraded tool includes a 35-question assessment on remote working.

This will be great news to employers during the pandemic and beyond!

Created by the UK Government’s Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and realised by the Snap Surveys development team, the software-based tool draws on many years of workplace research.

Its 2022 upgrade has been influenced by University of Hull’s research on workplace stress.

The new features include:

  • 35 remote-working questions
  • NPS score
  • Employee engagement
  • Mental health
  • Upgraded analysis reports
  • Benchmarking against years of the University of Hull’s research

This will allow businesses to see their scores in context of wider research, helping them draw more accurate conclusions around their data.

Upgraded reports

Once responses are collected, in-depth reports provide both top-line summaries and deep-dive analysis.

This lets users understand the key highlights as well as the less obvious stories within their data.

With many organisations continuing with remote/hybrid working, this new tool will prove essential in planning and monitoring that strategy.

Digital solutions

The Stress Indicator Tool is just one of many digital ready-to-run solutions they offer to help businesses get feedback in key areas, such as customer satisfaction, health and safety, remote working and more.

To find out more about digital solutions, check out the Snap Surveys Marketplace.

Thanks to Research Live for sharing the news about the product launch. Here’s the full article if you missed it.

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