12 Questions for your Hybrid Working Employee Survey

woman with earphones sat at desk video calling colleague

Hybrid working employee surveys will help to inform your work-from-anywhere strategy. Hybrid working is the combination of both remote work and office-based work, which should hopefully maximize the benefits of both working approaches while minimizing the downsides.

 Most of us shifted to working from home during the pandemic, and for many organizations it proved successful. However, in 2021, it’s become clear that we do need some degree of pre-pandemic normality.

This has led to hybrid working gaining some serious traction in a post-pandemic world.

Here are some questions that you can include in your Hybrid Working Employee Survey.

  1. What is your ideal balance between remote work and office-based work?

Employees without an ideal workspace or who thrive on human interaction will favor the office, while others who are happy at home might prefer to work remotely most of the time. With a five-day week it’s unlikely there will be a 50% split between remote and office work. Therefore, this question can help you anticipate how many employees may return and help you plan office arrangements.

2. Do you have all the digital tools to perform your job wherever you are? (such as internet or Microsoft Word)

Internet access is vital and so are digital tools like Microsoft Teams. An employee needs to be able to access everything, regardless of whether they are. There should be a seamless transition between working remotely and in the office.

3. What additional digital tools do you think you need?

To support hybrid working, new digital tools may be needed to maintain productivity in any location. It’s important to act on this information and invest in your hybrid working set up.

4. Do you have all the physical tools to perform your job wherever you are? (Such as a computer and a chair)

Work may need to be done to ensure employees have the right physical equipment to work from anywhere. For example, staff may have taken home things like chairs and monitors but will also need them when they work in the office.

5. What additional physical tools do you think you need?

Many of us have “made do” with our remote working equipment during the pandemic, but to get the most out of hybrid working we may need to improve our home offices. This could be as simple as a better chair or extra monitors.

6. Are you happy with the number of meetings (video, audio, or in person) you currently attend?

The term ‘Zoom fatigue’ gained a lot of mainstream media traction towards the end of 2020, with people starting to feel tired of staring at themselves and their colleagues on screen in such an unnatural way. If your employees aren’t happy with the number of meetings, you could consider switching between video, audio, and in-person meetings to help employees stay fresh. Some companies have been allowing employees to opt-out of meetings, withnotes been taken to catch up for those that don’t attend.

7. Do you feel disconnected from the rest of the business?

Remote working can create a divide between individuals, teams, and the wider business. One of the major benefits of hybrid working is bringing that physical presence back to the organization, while keeping some of the freedoms remote working brings. If employees are feeling disconnected at home, extra effort must be made to improve inclusion. Otherwise you run the risk of declining productivity and higher staff turnover.

8. What can we do to improve social connectivity?

Most people have been home for over a year, so even small changes can make a big difference. It could be a weekly or monthly team brainstorming session at the office, virtual coffee breaks, or even just a daily morning team catch up.

TIP: Check out our article on Improving Social Connectivity When Working Remotely for more.

9. Are you interested in taking virtual coffee breaks with your colleagues?

It’s important not to force social connectivity on employees too much.  Some employees may have social anxiety and even find this to be a drain on their mental health. Others who were the life and soul of the office will probably be struggling at home and therefore relish virtual social connectivity. There is no one-size-fits-all so be sure to seek out opinions.

10. What concerns you about hybrid working?

There may be some interesting answers that hadn’t previously been considered. Understanding and addressing potential issues early on can ensure a smooth transition to hybrid working.

11. Do you feel not being in the office full time can hinder your development and progression?

There have been publicized concerns that remote workers stagnate due to their isolation, both in terms of learning new skills and being recognized for promotion. Whether it is an active concern or not, employers should be aware of this perception and ensure that hybrid working does not have a negative impact on their employees’ careers.

12. How do you think we could improve our hybrid working arrangements?

There can always be improvements and this gives a chance for employees to offer solutions to their potential concerns.

While not an exhaustive list of questions, these will cover all the key bases and give you a starting point to build on.

Good luck with your switch to hybrid working!

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