Creating reports that include automatic text

Smart Reports can be re-run using the latest data to produce an up-to-date report. You can easily re-run reports and know that once you have set up the report the way you like it, it will be reproduced like that every time you run it. In Snap XMP, reports are built up using instructions. These […]

Using Rating Check to ensure ranking

Often you would like to ask the participants of your survey to rank a number of options in a given order. A grid question can be used to achieve this by setting the Rating Check property. This property ensures participants answer the question with one ranking in each aspect or row. Step 1: Adding the […]

Drag and Drop

This tutorial shows how to make a standard grid question interactive and more engaging, by transforming it into a Drag and Drop question for ranking or categorising. You can convert single response Grid First questions to a Drag and Drop question in Snap. There are 2 types of drag and drop styles: Possibilities include: Single […]