Including an opt out link in an email invitation

This tutorial describes how to insert an Opt Out link into an email so that a participant can choose to opt out of the survey.

If a participant chooses to opt out of the survey they will be unable to participate in that survey and will not receive any further emails relating to it.

In Snap XMP you can create email invitations and reminders in Snap XMP Desktop and Snap XMP Online.

Creating an email invitation with an Opt Out link in Snap XMP Desktop


These instructions assume that a Database Link has already been created in order to connect a survey to a database of participants. If you are not familiar with setting up a Database Link for email invitations, please see these worksheets:

Anonymisation in Surveys – Sending an email that doesn’t identify the participant
Anonymisation in Surveys – Sending an email that includes a unique participant identifier

Adding the Opt Out link

You can create email invitations and reminders using the Database Linkage wizard. When you select the options to use email invitations you are able to construct the email message in the editor. In the editor, you can insert different fields including the Opt Out link that enables participants to opt out of the survey.

  1. Set the email address field at the top of the window to the database field that uniquely identifies your participant. This will be used to provide the email address for the participants in Snap XMP Online.
  2. Type the subject heading in the Email subject and text field.
  3. Construct your email message in the Invitation or Reminder message box.
  4. Use the Insert button to insert the Survey Location. This will be made into a link to the survey when the message is sent.
Insert an opt out link in an email invitation
  1. Use the Insert button to insert the Opt Out link from the survey. This link will take the participants to a webpage when they opt out.
  2. The default opt out wording is inserted at the cursor location in the message box. Click on the Opt Out link to edit the wording.
  3. Click Next. You are shown a summary of what the database link does.
  4. Enter a name for the database link and click Finish and then Close.

When a participant clicks the Opt Out link in the email invitation they receive, they will be shown the Snap Surveys opt out web page and be flagged as having opted out in Snap XMP Online. The participant will not receive any more emails for the survey.

Creating an email invitation with an opt out link in Snap XMP Online

It is also possible to insert the Opt Out link into an email using the email editor in Snap XMP Online.


These instructions assume that a Database Link has already been created in order to connect a survey to a database of participants. If you are not familiar with setting up a Database Link for email invitations, please see these worksheets:

Anonymisation in Surveys – Sending an email that doesn’t identify the participant
Anonymisation in Surveys – Sending an email that includes a unique participant identifier

Adding the Opt Out link

  1. In the Collect tab of your survey, select the Participants side menu and then select Invitations.
  2. Click Add invitation to create a new email invitation or click Edit to change an existing invitation.
Add an invitation or reminder
  1. In the email editor, click at the point you would like the Opt Out link to be placed in your invitation.
  2. Click Insert tag and select OptOut. This will insert a link with the text {OptOut}.This link will take the participants to a webpage when they opt out.
Insert an opt out link in an email invitation
  1. Select or click in this link text and click the hyperlink button SWH: link button to open the Insert hyperlink dialog. You can change the wording for Text and ToolTip.
Insert a hyperlink in an email invitation
  1. Click Insert to update the link text.
Email invitation containing an opt out link

When a participant clicks the Opt Out link in the email invitation they receive, they will be shown the Snap Surveys opt out web page and be flagged as having opted out in Snap XMP Online. The participant will not receive any more emails for the survey.

Viewing the opt out information

In Snap XMP Online you can view all the participants who have opted out of the survey.

  1. In the survey Summary tab, click the Collect link.
  2. Once in the Collect tab, select Participants from the side menu and then select Participant list.
  3. Click the filter icon on the Opted Out column and select Have opted-out.
Filter the list of participants who have opted out
  1. Click Filter to show all the participants who have opted out.
Participant list showing a participant who has opted out

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