Spell checking your reports

You can check the spelling of a report by clicking the SpellCheckIcon.png button on the toolbar. This will check the spelling in all Information and Text Grid instructions in the report. It will also check the spelling in the Notes pane of any analyses that are included directly in the report.

Spell check the report

Checking the spelling of notes in Execute instructions

Spell checking a report does not check the spellings of any items included via an Execute instruction. You must check these items individually. You can check the spelling of analysis notes that you have included via an Execute instruction by opening the Analyses display window.

  1. Select the Execute instruction that you wish to spell check.
  2. Double click the instruction to open the Execute dialog.
  3. Click on the VariablePropsIcon.png View Analysis icon to open the Analysis Display window.
  4. Click Notes button to open the Notes pane if it is not visible.
Grid table in a report showing the notes
  1. Click SpellCheckIcon.png on the notes pane toolbar to spell check the text.
